Updated May 26, 2004 with The Substance of Things Hoped For.
Bereft--11K--PG Summary:Bereft - lacking something needed, wanted, or expected. A glimpse into part of Mulder's difficult night. Bittersweet--2K--PG Summary:Some wounds never completely heal. Written in response to a Scullyfic 155-word challenge. ![]() Summary: Fill in the blank for Folie a Deux. What happened at the hospital after Scully rescued Mulder, and how did it influence her response to Skinner's questions? 1999 Purple Heart Award: Best Short Story(Current) Countdown (1/2)--100K--PG-13 Countdown (2/2)--96K Summary: When an unknown assailant injects Mulder with a deadly toxin, he has 72 hours to find a cure. Damaged Goods(1/3)--131K--R Damaged Goods(2/3)--136K Damaged Goods(3/3)--125K Summary: Mulder returns to work after the events of Amor Fati. His attempt to profile a brutal serial killer, however, reveals that he has not fully recovered. Unfortunately no one, including his doctor, seems to know why. Dark Reflection(1/2)--119K--PG Dark Reflection(2/2)-with Sally Bahnsen--119K--PG Summary:The names and places have changed but the story is the same--or is it? Mulder and Scully travel to West Virginia to investigate a disturbingly familiar case. Written for I Made This Productions Virtual Season 8 Feathers, Bones and Shells--3K--PG-13 Summary: She will not allow this loss to remain shrouded in mystery. She will not become Teena Mulder. Fragments--9K--PG Summary:Her life is fragmented, cobbled together in a desperate attemtp to make a whole. Full Circle(1/2)--58K--PG-13 Full Circle(2/2)--65K Summary: What if there was more to one of those bogus fertilizer checks for Kersh? A routine assignment turns deadly for Mulder, and resurrects painful memories from his childhood. Hang a Shining Star--19K--PG-13 Summary: "You know, Mulder, it's all right to be happy. Remember what you said to me in Bellefleur? We've both paid our dues." Harbor --- 9K - PG-13 Summary "You were my safe place, Scully. My one reason to hang on, when all I wanted to do was let go." This story received the Inspiration Award from Under Another Sky
Heart’s Desire--17K--PG-13 Trivia Pursuits--23K--PG Summary: A stake-out, two bored agents, and a little Mulder ingenuity. Unknown--2K--PG-13 Summary: Is ignorance really bliss? Written in response to a Scullyfic 155-word challenge.
![]() Disclaimer: The X-Files and the characters of Mulder and Scully belong to Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen Productions and Fox Broadcasting, and are used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended, no profit will be gained. |